Wednesday, April 6, 2022

SC Day 4 - The Slowdown

I have no pictures for today. That probably comes as a shock after the deluge the past several days.

Here's why: Carrie took my phone.

Carrie spent a couple hours in the morning backing up pictures and movies from our phones. Then she took the phones to get her hair done and go to the Verizon store. She planned to trade my phone in to upgrade hers (I'd get her old phone). 

It took hours. Many, many HOURS. 

When Carrie left, I'd thought she'd be back within a couple. If I'd have known she'd been gone so long I could have worked on the blog, started a campaign on some sort of game, or picked up a new hobby.

But I didn't.

Instead, I chatted with family and watched 86 on the pink phone during the quiet moments.

And that's ok. Spring Break is a break. We haven't gone anywhere as a family for years. Work has been crazy and it was great to spend time with loved one and slow down.

So that's all you're getting for a post today. I'm on break.

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