Thursday, December 1, 2022

Fancy Meeting You Here (The Stretch!)

Carrie went fox-hunting, so I dropped Shane off on my way to work. His bus picks him up too late for me to make sure he gets on it. 

Shane got an unexpected surprise. Dylan was in the parking lot! It was a Dad week for Dylan. Since John lives in a different school zone, he has to drive Dylan and Eli to their schools each morning when they're with him. The boys were excited to see each other and walked in to school together.

It was a good note to start the day on. I've driven Shane to school many other times since.

Honestly, I could drive Shane in daily. Carrie and I have talked about it. I've been leaving the house a little later than at the beginning of the year. I was hoping Shane would find some friends on the bus. He needs to be around kids to develop the skills to deal with and befriend them! 

Overall, the bus has gone okay. Shane has to ride it home regardless of if I drop him off in the morning or not. It's nice to have the bus set up for Shane to ride if I ever can't take him in to school for some reason (Travis' funeral, if I get sick, or have to go in early for a staff meeting, etc). However, it's a long ride and the county doesn't have enough drivers as is. I can get Shane to school faster and he can see Dylan every other week....Hmm..... 

We haven't made a final decision yet, but we're leaning towards making the change. Stay tuned.

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