Wednesday, December 14, 2022

What is "The Stretch!?"

You may have noticed a lot of posts with "The Stretch!" in the title. There's a lot of work coming my way! I'm not going to have the time or energy to fully catch up on the blog. My goal is to do just enough over this stretch of time that I don't end up in as deep of a hole as I did for "The Backlog!" 

So far, I've managed to do a few posts including a few monsters. I will have more time when wrestling ends. We have one wrestler going to the Women's State Tournament Friday, 2/24 and that will be it.  

Today is Monday, 2/20, President's day. I'm approximately 2 months behind on the blog. I hope to get through December 20th today. That will put me at 2 months or less behind on the least until the clock strikes midnight. If I can get further than that, great! I have to work on my online course for Kotlin to stay ahead of my CS2 students and work on some grading, though. Shane's underfoot, as always. He will start spring soccer in a couple of weeks. I don't think I'll sign him up for goalie training this time, because it's so much driving. But if he were to ask....

Anyway, that's the update for now. We're alive, we are well, and I'll be writing at some point.

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