Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Grandma and Grandpa (The Stretch!)

 Wednesday started with birds. Lots and lots of birds.

Which set Loki off. He doesn't like birds! His barking fits sent Kila into barking fits and it was a loud morning doing chores!

Shane's been eager to do his chores quickly to get as much computer time as possible over break. I haven't pushed him to it. I hope that he's learning it's better to get something done than to procrastinate!

He's playing a game called War Groove. It's a fantasy knockoff of Advance Wars. I really like those tactical/chess-like type of games, but Shane's normally less of a fan. I've been helping when he gets stuck, but it's not likely to last.

After chores, everyone had a lazy morning except for me. I had wrestling!

When I got back, I started planning and prepping to work on "The Backlog!" I'd rested enough. I was feeling anxious about doing something.

We went out as a family to Richmond in the afternoon.

Carrie wanted to pick up a few things from Costco on the way to Grandma and Grandpa's. It's weird and fun to see a Costo in a different layout.

Side note: Shane is still wearing the wristband from the cruise with Carrie. I think he enjoyed it!

We picked up an apple pie for Grandpa. It cost less than the fancy cupcakes we'd bought from Baked on the James!

Carrie went right to helping Grandma with dinner prep when we arrived.

Shane started running in circles, scared Bucket, and then plopped on the couch!

When I turned off the TV, he started hanging on people's legs. 

He got more attention when he joined the conversation about the food.

He likes to help out when Grandma lets him!

Today, though, Grandpa took him aside to show him some holiday knick-knacks (from The Christmas Market in Austria, I think).

We ate dinner and then sat down for the moment Shane was waiting for: Presents! The toot makes a face on instinct anytime he realizes the camera is pointed his way.

Thankfully, he's distracted quickly.

Presents are always a fun time. Grandma and Grandpa write hints and quips on the tags.

Shane got a new soccer ball to put to use (practical and fun! I approve!).

And he loves his cereal!

Grandma and Grandpa chipped in for the cruise some, so there were a lot of gag gifts this year! A lot of it was food, so I vowed to make sure it was eaten!

We didn't have barn coverage and Grandma was still healing, so we excused ourselves before it was super late. It's been a while since we've spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's, but it will happen again at some point.

We drove home in the dark. Everyone went straight to bed except me when we got home. I threw some hay and typed some words. The blog writer's block was over and I wanted to get as many posts done as I could ASAP!

Merry Christmas Grandma and Grandpa! We enjoyed visiting you and will do so again soon!

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