Thursday, December 29, 2022

Lots of Drop-ins (The Stretch!)

Ernie's been on Carrie's watchlist. He colicked last winter. We submerge his food in water to force him to drink more. When I saw Ernie head out to the waterer, I kept Eddie in his stall until Ernie finished. 

It's been cold, but we had more sun today. The horses enjoyed basking in it!

Same for the dogs. Kila begs to be let outside! She comes running the moment anyone approaches a door (Save for the laundry room - That door is still terrifying!).

Kila's still a fraidy-cat. She was trying to hide beneath my feet when something scared her here.

That something was Dylan!

Dylan and Eli made the trip to see us for a change.

Shane got out all the animals. All of them.

Dylan's good with dogs. Eli was a little wild-man. That was fine with Loki, but Kila refused to leave my shadow with Eli roaring and crawling around, ha!

She felt a little safer outside since no one could catch her if they wanted to.

The kids were able to be as loud as they wanted, because Carrie wasn't home.

She brought a new friend with her when she arrived. The other horses instantly went on alert when they heard noises coming from the trailer.

It was Bo!

Carrie drove up to Culpeper to pick him up. 

She called me out to help while John stayed with the boys.

Really, all I did was videotape!

Carrie locked Maddie up with some hay, so we could escort the babies out to their lot together.

Both ponies are around six months, so they're not baby babies anymore.

Baby horses naturally cling to each other. Felix and Bo were no exception.

The distance between two horses is a simple way to gauge how much they like each other.

Bo and Felix clung to each other like Velcro. Carrie couldn't be happier!

Meanwhile, the boys were still working out their energy. Eli wanted to play Kirby.

Dylan was enamored with the dogs.

Everyone got involved with electronics in time for Carrie to come into a much calmer house. 

John didn't stay too long with the boys. They had places to go, errands to do, and we're 45 minutes south. He did give me some homemade limoncello as a parting gift.  

Whenever I wasn't working and taking pictures, I got some writing in. Shane got more electronics than usual so that I could keep at it. I didn't feel bad about using electronics to babysit him. We'd been active enough over break I felt we were living life and not just letting it roll by.

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