Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Solo Week: Happy 12th Birthday, Shane! (The Stretch!)

Carrie was careful with her wording. "Grandpa and Granma are flying into Newark. They got us a hotel room." 

She let Shane fill in the blanks himself.

If he started to ask questions, Carrie asked him about what he was doing on the Switch and it was forgotten! It was a long drive, but between electronics and naps Shane was none the wiser.

The cruise ship was less than 100 yards away the next day when he finally realized something was up! Carrie was checking luggage when Shane must have noticed the ship casting a shadow over his device.

Months ago, Carrie was ecstatic when she saw the price. Leading up to the trip, she started to realize what she got herself into! 

A week of Shane with no Mike!

Shane's got way more energy than Carrie, but being on a cruise ship would help with that! This was the last week Shane was eligible for the kid's program before being promoted to the teen one. He got to go there and play for a little each day to give her a break. 

It was easy to tell which cabin was there's.

Carrie took a picture of the room they'd been sharing for the week.

She had been excited to have a balcony cabin until she realized she had a balcony cabin with Shane. Don't worry. Nothing came of it aside from fraying a few of her nerves!

The best thing about cruising: No cooking and no dishes!

Carrie got a call from the main dining room partway through the week. Carrie and Shane never showed up for dinner and they wanted to check on them. 

Carrie's reply was blunt.

There were lots of other food options throughout the week. 

Shane's a much more adventurous eater than I was. In fact, I think all of the cousins have more varied palates than my siblings and I did growing up!

I got a lot of pictures over the week. Shane likes to ham it up for the camera.

I told Carrie she was welcome to get him a haircut on the cruise, but he declined. He gets to have some say in it since it's his birthday (....for now...). 

One stop included a food tour of Nassau. Shane tried conch! I've never had it myself.

Carrie had trouble sleeping for the week. I got several pictures of sunrises, and even one middle of the night call!

 On the other hand, Shane slept like a rock. He was enjoying himself immensely!

The only thing that would've made it better for him is if more family (especially cousins) were on the cruise with him. He didn't have to worry about calories, school, or much of anything!

Though he should have been more worried about school instead of ice cream (The rich food caused a 'sharting' incident in the kid's zone, as well!). Carrie said that she'd have him log in and do some daily work each day, but it didn't happen! Shane had to play a lot of catch up when he got back.

But it's only 6th grade. Shane barely misses school, so one week off isn't a big deal. If anything, it's an opportunity for him to learn how to catch up when he gets behind.

The first excursion to Gatorland. Shane's got a great smile in this pic, but it didn't start off happy!

Shane hit his head on the bus ride over. He popped up from his seat and crashed headfirst into an AC unit above. Carrie said it was loud. Tears flowed, but an opportunistic salesperson came to the "rescue." She offered Shane a buy 1 get 1 free offer of food to throw to the gators. 

Happiness was bought. Shane hurled food to (and at) giant reptiles and flamingos with cackles of glee.

Carrie's original first choice for an excursion had been Disney. She decided against it when she looked at the travel time and cost. Gatorland was the cheaper, closer alternative and animals are normally a safe bet for catching Shane's interest. 

The bus ride gave Carrie second thoughts. She wasn't sure if the driver was in character or that redneck! He was hamming it up and then Shane hammered up his head for an awful start to the trip.

But it turned out really well. Shane loved all the reptiles. 

I'm thankful that none came home as yet another pet for our menagerie. I could see him asking Mom for one for his birthday (Which was Tuesday. Gatorland was on Monday).

I learned how to sing "It's Christmastime in Texas..." as a kid. There may not be snow in San Antonio, but Gatorland claimed Santa replaces his reindeer when he visits Florida (whether for their safety or because they were eaten, I cannot say).

They ending of a matter is more important than the beginning and Gatorland ended up being an awesome side trip. It was only Monday, though. There were still more adventures to come!

Tuesday was the big day. They were at sea, but there was cake!

Probably ice cream, too.

The toughest excursion for Carrie was probably CoCo Cay. She said her mantra was "I love my son....I love my son..."

That's because she decided to do whatever he did.

For a person who sometimes battles anxiety, it's a challenge to keep up with a hyperactive, impulsive, and adventurous tween boy!

Carrie had pics to prove it. I'd recognize her thumb anywhere!

Carrie took so many great pictures, I had to prune through and make some tough choices. Shane flashed many natural smiles.

It was evident he was having the time of his life.

Carrie will have this trip in her back pocket for years to come if Shane ever breaks out the teen tactic of "Do you even love me?" 

The zipline is not where Carrie would have been the most anxious, though. That honor would go to the waterpark. 

Shane loves the water. He loves to swim. I've wanted to take him to a water park, but between COVID, Carrie's anxiety around swimming, and not having a group of friends to go with it never happened.

I can count the number of times Carrie's donned a swimsuit in our marriage on one hand. This trip is one of them.

Carrie went on all the slides that Shane went on. 

Shane said the red slide may have been the tallest, but it wasn't the scariest. That honor went to the one where you stood in a chamber that sprayed water and shot you out at "rocket speed!"

I don't think Carrie did that one more than once! Her goal was to do whatever Shane did. Not match him for repetitions!

I believe that was Wednesday. It was possibly the hardest day for Carrie. I'm sure they watched a bunch of TV to help her recuperate after (Over the course of the week, I heard they watched the Addams Family movies from the 90s and Avatar the Last Airbender).

I briefly mentioned there was a food tour on Nassau earlier, too. The final "excursion" was onboard ship. There was a deal on a sushi making class.

Carrie and Shane got to make and eat their own meal. There was one moment that will be burned into Carrie's memory for life, though!

This may be my favorite story from the trip. She must have blushed through her ears. I barked out laughing (Thankfully, BEFORE class started!).

There was an iFly center, too. To our bank account's dismay (and the cruise's delight) she bought a picture. "I didn't have my phone and it was such a good picture!" she said.

She didn't have her phone on her, because she went iFlying, too!

Shane got way more than normal for the season splurged on him. They say memories are worth more than things, but finances have limits! Thankfully, there were all plenty other excitements around the ship already included to try out.

Shane insisted Carrie should ride shotgun. She took a video and screamed marvelously which is why Shane would have wanted her with him! One bump looked like it nearly gave her whiplash while Shane cackled. 

The most strenuous workout for Carrie was probably the rock wall. Shane got frustrated when he had trouble reaching the top a few times.

Carrie decided to show him how it was done! She made it to the top and rang the bell while Shane filmed. Shane was inspired and made it to the top himself, afterward. 

Carrie said she was exhausted and about to crack when Shane discovered a duck by chance.

Ducks are apparently a tradition.

Passengers plant toy ducks all over for other passengers to find.

Cruise ships started to sell them when they realized it was a thing!

Shane and I heard something similar from Patrick. He said that Jeep owners liked to "duck" each other. I don't know if Shane remembered it, but he got obsessed with hunting for ducks the last couple nights of the cruise!

They brought home quite the duck collection to show me!

Carrie said it was a Godsend. Slow strolls with Shane pouring over ever nook and cranny gave her a chance to catch her breath and make it to disembarkation.

Shane and Carrie left early, early Saturday morning. They were among the first off the boat. Carrie drove faster than she should straight through to get home ASAP!

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed with all that Carrie did on the cruise! She is amazing and strong! I'm so glad that Shane will always have this "once in a lifetime" treasured memory of a fantastic trip with his mom. Way to go, Carrie!
