Friday, December 9, 2022

Solo Week: Secret Snowy Pal (The Stretch!)

The way to be a part of something is to be a part of something. That means effort.

I didn't feel compelled to join the holiday gift exchange, but I decided to do it anyway. My interest was low, but if I wanted to be a part of the community I needed to do something with it. 

I drew the name of a Chemistry teacher I didn't know, Mrs O'Brien. She taught on the opposite side of the building. I recognized her name, but couldn't picture a face.

With work, wrestling, the barn, family, and everything going on I felt busy. I wasn't sure how much I had to give in the gift exchange, but then God put the first little idea in my head. Mrs. B's survey mentioned she was a D&D fan. I had bought a couple knickknack/puzzles I was going to use in my classroom, but I rebranded them.

Chemistry's a tough subject. I figured anyone who taught it would have an academic mind! The D&D theming meant they liked stories, too! It was fun to come up with little blurbs to add to the gifts.

I kept up a stream of small gifts. Mrs B liked tea, so I provided a "Potion of Comfort" after the puzzles.

The week before the cruise, I picked up some candy after Shane's Wednesday night Youth Group.

I re-gifted/"re-looted" some of the candy I got from my Secret Santa! I had my own stash of herbal teas that I used to fill the bag.

I went in unsure, but really enjoyed coming up with stories and ideas to keep my Secret Santa's mailbox filled.

Meanwhile, the person who drew my name kept sending treats my way!

They had a few misses (the Mike and Ikes), but most of the treats they sent my way were awesome. I hadn't realized I liked milk duds so much until I ate the whole box (I paced myself - It took three days!).

I mistook one gift for something it was not.

I bit into the chocolate ball and got a mouthful of hot cocoa mix! I made hot water and righted my error without issue other than a laugh.

The whole endeavor started off as a forcing myself to participate and ended up being a fun distraction throughout a couple of weeks. It reminded me of Proverbs 11:25 "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. " 

Friday morning, I woke up extra early to do barn chores, so that I could attend the reveal party.

I bought my Secret Santa an Amazon gift card. She liked to read books on her Kindle. I saved it for last, because my email would be a dead giveaway.

My gift-giver turned out to be the athletic director. I knew him from when Shane played t-ball. He'd been the coach! His son, Matthew Jr, was on the team and Shane's partner in goofing off. He'd enlisted different people to make deliveries, so I had no clue it was him before the reveal.

My final gift was Grecian puzzle. I recognized the box as from the same series of puzzles I'd bought for Mrs. O'B.

It seemed crazy difficult. The goal was to make every column add up to 42. I kept it in my desk drawer and fiddled with it off and on during quiet moments. I used it as a talking point with students and would encourage them to try to solve it, as well.

I did solve it before the next week ended. I took a picture as proof!

Even if I'm overwhelmed, I think I'll sign up again next year. It was a lot of fun! 

1 comment:

  1. I've gotten so caught up in reading your posts that Pop just reminded me that I'm late for my naptime. I really enjoyed reading about your work gift exchange, Mike! What fun! I especially liked when you wrote this, "The whole endeavor started off as a forcing myself to participate and ended up being a fun distraction throughout a couple of weeks. It reminded me of Proverbs 11:25 "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. "
