Shane loves cicadas! A strain of 17-years is popping up all over Nana and Pop's. Last summer, Shane loved the shells at our house. This summer, he's playing with the real things! We collected a pile of seven around the yard for counting, poking, and sending down the slide!

Don't worry! No cicadas were harmed for this production. Shane only found one with some life still in it. I put it aside to live out it's last post-mating moments in peace.
The fact that Mommy is deathly afraid of these guys only makes it more fun.
I tried to have Shane run in the house to give Carrie one, but he dropped it in a recliner instead.
Look how intent Shane was. Little boys and bugs work together. It's a rule somewhere.
We named all of the bugs. Here's One, Two, and Three! (I never said the names were original).
PS - My son is really capable physically. I'm nearby just in case, but he does ladders and stairs without issue. We spent half and hour with the bugs before we bolted over to the trampoline.
Ah....Grandpa Vern loved the cicadas too. I know what Gpa Vern would say about Shane right now... "He's a dandy!". Love you guys! Aunt Beth