Monday, June 10, 2013

Use Scary in a Sentence

Scary is when your toddler locks you out of the house. Your keys and phone are inside with him.

I slipped into the garage to throw the wash into the dryer, and heard a bolt slide behind me. Shane giggled. He was proud of himself.

I knocked on the door and kept asking "Shane, unlock the door?" I turned the knob so that he couldn't lock that, as well. I felt him fiddle with it on the other side. I hoped he would get bored when he realized it wouldn't move and play with the bolt instead. 

I knocked near the bolt and prayed and prayed! Shane laughed and undid the bolt. I was in! 

It was a scary two minutes (tops). I normally walk around with my phone and keys on me, but Shane caught me at exactly the wrong moment. No matter how good you think you are, it takes but a few moments for things to go awry. 

It's never fun to be humbled, but a lesson learned is a reprieve earned. Shane's getting a short Thomas break, so I can type this out and let my pulse settle!

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