Friday, June 28, 2013

Bill and Jill's Wedding

I was hoping more pictures would be out on Facebook by now, but I did find one I was in!

My eyes and nose are between the pink flowers and the second groomsmen's head. You probably have to zoom in a bit...

In reality, this wedding wasn't about me in the least. It was about Bill and Jill. It seemed to go off with nary a hitch. It was hot, but it wasn't "Thank God, Bill ordered second shirts for everyone because we melted" hot.

Two parts of the service stand out in my memory:

The pastor read personal stories that Bill and Jill had written before the vows. I thought both stories were charming and full of memories you know neither of them will forget. I especially liked the part where Bill mentioned Igor pushing him into Jill. Earlier that night, I remember Iggs threatening to do it if Bill chickened out! It may have been a slightly preemptive shove, but it makes a good story.

Jill held it together very well, but you could hear the emotion in her voice. She choked up a little during the vows. I always take it as a good sign when you can tell there's emotion behind the vows. My belief is your signing up for the rest of your life (for better or worse). That's an intimidating thing even if you're head over heels in love. There should be emotion. There should also be that discipline and determination to live out your vows and love. If there was no emotion or if there were theatrics, it would not have been as auspicious a sign, but what do I know? It's just a gut feeling.

I thought Bill's uncle Kevin yelling "YOU'RE NEXT!!!" to Dan on the way out was hilarious. He should have kept that one in until the reception (it's Bill and Jill's show), but it was impossible not to laugh once that cat was out of the bag. The comedic timing was close to perfect.

I was glad that Renee, Shar and Carrie were running around while Matt, Dan and I were doing groomsmen things.  They got their nails done together and Carrie added a very appropriate touch to the wedding. We all ended up sitting at the same table for the reception. Carrie *may* have switched out some name cards exiling Patrick and Marcus, but I am innocent.

The boys weren't too happy with the move, but they could have moved back when Carrie and I left a little early. The rum and cokes Carrie was given were double strength. It was something of a joke by Bill's uncle Kevin that left Carrie feeling a little sick (we didn't find out until later). We don't typically drink, so a little alcohol can go a long way. Carrie went straight to bed when we got back and was fine in the morning. She ate cheesesteak and handmade ice cream like a champ in Philly the next day.

It was a great weekend. Carrie and I got to drive up in style, friends and family were everywhere, and Bill and Jill got to start their married life together. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.

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