Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Tuesday Trips

On Tuesdays, I always take Shane to Subway after day-care. There's one maybe half a mile up the street. I wanted to turn it into "our thing." It's a way to reward a successful day of fun at day-care and get Shane to look forward to me picking him up!

Yesterday, was our third or fourth trip. Shane gets his breakfast Ham, Egg, and Cheese flatbread, I upgrade it to a meal, and we share. Foolishly, I got cookies with the meal the first couple of times out! Nana said I nearly "ruined" their trips to Subway since Shane knows how great they taste now! I wised up and got Cheetos this time. We alternated bites from Cheeto to sandwich to keep Shane chewing on the healthy stuff!

When we finished our meal, Shane pointed across the street and said "Go Home Beepo-Beepo!"

I wish I had a video. It was the cutest way to say Home Depot I've ever heard.

Shane and I walked across the parking lot and hunted down forklifts for over half an hour. Then we ran all over and hid in some rugs. There were many failed picture attempts, but I loved this one. I put Shane on a stool in the lights and fan aisle. He stayed mesmerized long enough for my phone to capture the moment!

Shane still says "Daddy, go away!" whenever there's a more preferred adult around, but we've had plenty of good times! I have the pictures to prove it! We had a lot of fun helping Matt and Renee move in to Nana and Pop's tonight, but that's another story for another time! I thought I wrote about our Tuesdays out already, but I guess I'm more backlogged than I thought.

Life stays busy with a little boy. I wouldn't have it any other way (unless I could get an extra hour of sleep throw in...that'd be great too!).

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