Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Typical Day

A typical day for me (2013):

6:15 AM - Wake up
6:18 AM - Wake up again
6:20 AM - Think about doing something since I'm up.
6:25 AM - Do it.

This can happen earlier or be accelerated if Shane wakes up early. The initial wake-up can be delayed to 6:25 AM before arriving-to-work-on-time anxiety boots me in the withers.

6:25 AM to 6:55 AM - Me: Put on clothes, make coffee, remember to grab badge. Wake up Carrie. Carrie often helps get Shane ready (potty, fresh diaper, food, and clothes), but if I manage to wake up early and coherent I try to let her sleep. She's been instrumental in getting me out the door all of this week.

7:00 AM to 7:05 AM - Drop Shane off at day-care. Try to avoid long conversations

7:05 AM to 7:30 AM - Constantly check the time and drive the Prius like I stole it....which means as slow as everybody else, because I don't want to cause an accident or get pulled over. I use a signal if I have to cut someone off.

7:30 AM to 4:00 or 4:15 PM - Check news, teach kids, stay sane, and get paid to make a difference or die trying.

4:30 to 4:45 PM depending on traffic - Pick Shane up from day-care. Tuesdays we go to Subway. Any other day we can stop at Harris Teeter, a playground, or go home. We don't go to playgrounds if it's over 90 degrees outside.

5:00 PM to 7:30 PM - Play with Shane. Try to shove some food in him. Hopefully, find something fun and cool to do, so I can be a good dad. I do my best to avoid using the TV unless I really, really, really need 24 minutes to do dishes or clean. That's the length of one Disney Jr show and enough to do a lot if used with a purpose. I can brew an evening cup of coffee to help power me until bedtime if needed.

7:30 PM - Turn on the TV. Carrie is either home, will be home soon, or it's a Tuesday or Thursday. She won't show up until after Shane goes down on those days. That's when her class to teach anger management and reduce domestic violence is.

8:00 PM - Final countdown. Bathroom break, final snack, attempts to poop and stall are made by Shane, and I try to get him to read a book with me.

8:15 PM to 8:35 PM - Bed time. If Shane is looking tired, I try to settle him down a little earlier. If Carrie's home she wants to snuggle with him on the couch and he gets to go to bed a little later. I take Shane up, ask him to tell me about his day, say a prayer, and kiss him goodnight.


Which translates to Carrie and I having quality time to watch something on Netflix for about an hour (we're on Season 1 of the Dr. Who reboot since the first season of Enterprise didn't captivate). At the end of that hour, Carrie is either asleep on the couch, or pulling out her phone for Robot Unicorn Attack 2. I try to split my remaining wakefulness between chores, blogging, a quick game, and my reading. Ideally, I'm in bed by 10:00 PM, but I've been pushing it back to closer to 11:00 PM lately. Look at the timestamp on this blog!

Speaking of time: Carrie is zonked on the couch. I need to empty the house trash and roll the big one out to the curb. My next job is to sneak back in, lock up, and read. I ended up talking to John on Steam for a while and blogging took longer than expected.

It was a good day. 

It usually is.

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