Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Reflection Questions

Every night, I ask Shane to tell me about his day before we say prayers. My goal is to get Shane to reflect.

It normally goes like this:

Daddy: "What did you do today?"

Shane: "I share with Conner Borg at school!"

It doesn't matter if it's Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, or Whateverday: Shane's reply is consistent.

He says it on days he wakes up at Nana's house and skips school; he says it on days there is no school and I take him to the library. He must have answered my questions that way once, it must have been correct, and I must have made a big deal out of it.


It's the universal answer now!

I've learned to ask more specific, leading questions. Sometimes, Shane is spot on. He remembers what he did and tells me. Other times he supplies a different "universal answer."

"Where did you eat with Nana today?" or "Where did Shane and Daddy go after school today?"

Universal answer: "Subway"

"What did you do in school today?

Universal answer: "I share with Conner Borg!" or "Lorenzo hit me!" (which he's told me on days where Lorenzo isn't even in the building. Once again, I think it happened once and Shane's said it since. Trust me, I watch!).

"What day is today!"

Universal answer: "Tuesday! I want Subway!"

I'm pretty sure that last answer is more wishful thinking than anything else!

Shane has grown more intricate in his answers. He still has his catchphrases and almost standardized responses, but sometimes he says the funniest sentences when I least expect. He's usually on topic and spot on. Last night, he told me that he went to school, we went to get pizza, we played with trucks, and we played at Daniel's house. I wish I could think of some of the other times he's made me stop and laugh, but none come to mind. I'll have to add them in if I they come back to me!

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