Thursday, September 19, 2013

That's a Mouthful

On Tuesday,a child bit Shane at day-care.

It was a solid bite, too. There was a red ring on his upper right chest visible hours later. It was mostly faded by the following morning, but there was still a small red line tracing the bottom of it.

Two to three months ago, Georgeanne mentioned that Shane didn't defend himself if another child took a toy. He'd bawl and tell a teacher and probably throw a fit, but he would not actively try to steal it back or hold on. Her notes coached us to practice with Shane to say "My turn!," offer a trade, and/or to stick up for himself without being aggressive. 

Tuesday, Georgeanne's report said "teachers report Shane is taking toys from other kids."

The incident report (from after she left) said Shane grabbed a truck from a 'friend' who got mad and laid the bite on him.

It's not the progress we were hoping for.

I talked to one of Shane's teachers the next morning. She said that some of the new kids with the new school year have been grabby. Shane's watched them and learned, sadly. Actually, his teacher seemed upset by the whole incident. She told me there were three adults nearby when the kids stormed over to the trucks and "it happened so fast!" 

I don't like that my kid got bit. As long as it doesn't happen again, though, I view it is a natural consequence. It does "happen fast" whenever something goes wrong. I've been there, done that.

No further bitings have occurred. It's exciting being the parent of a little one, no?

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