Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I Love Fall

There's a crisp, coolness to the morning air that grabs me when I step outside. It startles me to full wakefulness, and seems charged with promise. It makes me feel like something is about to happen. Something good. Something warm.

Often, the warm happening is literal. The afternoon sun rises high and warms air and skin without burning. A cool breeze complements and is greatly appreciated. Long sleeves worn in the morning are rolled up, and stay up until the coolness returns when light fades.

It feels natural to go inside and the cool air lets me pull out a big comforter to sleep under.

I love fall weather.

I love fall.

I love the start of the school year, the changing trees, the start of football, and the feeling of things to come. The falling leaves and the coming of winter should make fall feel like an ending. Instead, it feels like a time of new beginnings to me.

As a kid, each fall meant a fresh start. I like learning new things, and it wasn't (as) hard to wake up fos chool then. As an adult, it's still a different kind of fresh start. The honeymoon period is on. I've missed working, I'm fresh(er), and I'm ready to make a difference. The students are new and excited, the tests are low-stake/pre-tests, paperwork is minimal, and the workload is lessened. The late buses don't even start until the end of the first month. The weather was so nice during a fire drill, I rushed home after work to mow before picking up Shane.

Life has been busy this past week, but mostly for the better. There are always challenges woven in. Friday and Saturday were filled with Carrie baking and Genevieve and Chris' wedding. Sunday, Shane decided to produce another low-grade fever, and Dan came by to install the new hot water heater from way back when. He came by again on Monday to help me lift out the old one that was too stubborn to drain in less than a full day! Tuesday was filled with catching up on chores and taking Min to the vet; Wednesday the weather beckoned me to mow and Shane and I spent much of the evening outside.

Now, I'm trying to get back on track with my journals after falling behind for a week. Once I click "Publish" I'll be two journals back on track.

I love fall.

It's going to be interesting times up until that last great fall holiday, Thanksgiving.

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