Monday, September 2, 2013

The Married Thing

Carrie, Shane, and I had a fun morning. We visited Jama, ate breakfast and shopped at IKEA, and then we dropped by Nana and Pop's to play. Nana, Pop, Indy, and Jama missed Shane while they were at the beach and offered to let him stay with them for a bit.

Carrie and I came home to an empty house and immediately switched to married mode.

She broke out the tools and I vacuumed.

That's how it works around here at least! Carrie was gracious enough to split the IKEA furniture building with me and we watched some TV while we assembled. My wife switched to upgrading rooms and moving furniture and I threw in some laundry and cleaned.

Yup. There's nothing like a little alone time in a marriage! We spent the whole time Shane was going getting busy. BIZ-ZEE!

Call me weird, but it felt nice. It's the first day of school with students tomorrow and Carrie has to teach a night class, so it was great to get a lot of things out of the way. The house needed it, and Carrie's rearranging left a few rooms feeling brand new. I knew Shane was well taken care of, throughout.

Good day. There was adventure, family, adult conversation, some rest, and a productive feeling without feeling run down.

Maybe I'll rush upstairs after I post this, so we can do the next phase of the married life. You know, where we snuggle up next to each other, she turns on the TV, and I grab a book....

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