Friday, September 20, 2013

Carrie the Cupcake Queen

Carrie offered to make Genevieve and Chris' wedding cake months ago. She's played around and tested multiple recipes since.

When Carrie decides she's going to do something, she doesn't do anything half-assed.

Genevieve and Chris got to do taste tests whenever they visited us, and after some consultation Carrie decided to make them breakfast flavored cupcakes. It was the only range of flavors they could both agree they liked!

Our kitchen was stockpiled the weekend prior. Sunday was for experimenting. Friday was Round 1, and Saturday up until an hour before go-time was a frantic Round 2.

Everything turned out well! Carrie was ecstatic and she had every right to be. God let it all come together neatly.

There were four types of cupcakes:

French toast cupcake with maple frosting and a chocolate covered, candied bacon garnish
Matcha green tea cupcakes with a lemon/citrus frosting
Cinnamon roll cupcakes with a glaze frosting
Mocha-macchiato cupcakes with whipped cream and a caramel drizzle.

I don't know much about the techniques used (I'm next to useless in a kitchen), but I do know Carrie substituted coffee for water in her macchiato cupcakes. I'm all for adding caffeine to things!

On the side, Carrie made fruit tarts, chocolate covered strawberries and two flavors of mousse cups to accompany her cupcakes: dark chocolate and peanut butter.

As I said: my wife doesn't do anything half-assed. I call her my "Passion," because I love how she gets fired up and into things. Carrie even haggled at Home Goods for the shelves she wanted for her display and spray painted it on our driveway, too.

The cupcakes were a huge hit. Carrie's catering service learned two lessons: 1) have a label or display of what's in the cupcakes means you don't have to repeat yourself all night (not that Carrie minded...she boiled with enthusiasm) and 2) if the room is really hot it will melt whipped cream and there's nothing you can do about it.

All-in-all, it was a wildly successful first attempt at catering. People kept asking Carrie if she was a professional. My wife's eyes beamed when someone ate a cinnamon roll cupcake and said "How did you do that? It takes exactly like a cinnamon roll!"

Shane and I enjoyed the leftovers at home.

I was only a little messier than he was.

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