Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Coaching vs Teaching

It's funny how different coaching and teaching is. The kids have a different mentality.

Teaching: My students are in my class like it or not.

Coaching: The kids are there if we feel they help the team, like it or not.

Teaching: Most of my students don't want to learn math.

Coaching: The wrestlers are there, because they want to be.

Teaching: If students don't do any work, I try to encourage them in any way I can. I sometimes have to call parents or pull kids out to talk to them. I hope it works.

Coaching: If the wrestlers don't work hard enough I make them do push-ups. Or sprints. Those are fun, too.

Teaching: Lots of paperwork and grading.

Coaching: Paper? I didn't even see my contract until 9 weeks into the season.

Teaching: If I put a hand on a kid's shoulder I have to hope they don't sue.

Coaching: I can torque someone's neck to show proper pinning position off a half-nelson.

Teaching: I don't think I've been called "sir." Ever.

Coaching: Day 1, I was a "sir." Kids shook my hand and thanked me for practice afterwards, too.

Teaching: I double-check that kids have passes when they get to me room. They're normally late.

Coaching: Kids have teachers email me if they're late. They bring passes and work to be on time...or they do push-ups!

Teaching: If kids are talking I redirect them. Sometimes they listen. Other times they butt heads.

Coaching: If the kids are all talking and can't hear me, I say "Shut up." They do.

It's been nice. I'm used to dealing with disrespect and struggling students who don't like school. That won't change any time soon, so it's refreshing to have a change of pace.

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