Thursday, January 1, 2015

Winter Break: Coley-Coley-Coley-Cole-Cole

New Year's Eve we went to play with this little guy:

Shane and Cole are bff's. Especially since Cole has all sorts of new Christmas toys.

Well, the toys help, but they're not a must. The boys really get along. Cole is happy-natured. He's game for anything Shane says and smiles the whole time. It's really cute how he laughs and how he narrates everything! Cole's quite the communicator. The boys constantly chattered back and forth.

It was a breeze and a joy watching the kids play together. Honestly, I felt lazy. Shane has little to no interest in me, but he thought Stu was tons of fun. Cole wanted to be wherever Shane was, so I ended up watching, talking, and filming most of the time.

The boys had so much fun together it made watching them easier on (and more fun for) everyone. There were a few times Shane was upset when Cole would try to mix toys from different play-sets, but that was it. Shane makes it look easy to take care of him around others. Kathleen said Cole's the same way! One time when Kathleen put Cole in time-out, he refused to come out. Instead, he unraveled an entire roll of toliet paper laughing the whole way. Kids will be kids!

Speaking of other kids, Baby Evyln hung out some with us, too. She traded back and forth between her mommy and Nana and Pop.

She was not too concerned with the boys. She was plenty content whenever Ka was around.

Cole's bedtime is a little before Shane's. He went upstairs and Shane rocked out for Nana, Ka, and Evy. 

We're going to miss them! It's great to be with family. I'm certainly going to miss messing with Nana.

We cleared out around 8:40 PM. Shane stayed up the whole car ride back. He would have tried to stay up until midnight if we let him. He doesn't know what New Year's really is. He's anti-bedtime.

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