Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sick Shane

Shane stayed home with me on Monday. Since I'm currently a single dad, I had to use sick leave and write sub plans. I did that at 5:40 AM. I found out Shane was sick when I heard him say "Help" over the intercom and woke up. He told me he had a sore throat. I took his temperature (101.9) and gave him some acetaminophen to get through the night. He was groggy, coughy, sneezy, and congested, but he was still running around, bouncing, happy and in the 99s with meds in his system.

Tuesday, was a well-timed snow day. Shane still had fever when he woke, so we went to the doctor.

Strep test: Negative
Ear Infection: Negative
Flu Test: Negative

The doctor basically said, "It's a virus and it'll go away sooner or later." Shane's temperature read 102.8 after nap, so I figured the latter was more likely.

Thankfully, Nana and Pop have not moved yet! Shane spent the night with them while I went to work Wednesday. When I picked him up, Nana said he didn't have any fever all day. I plan on putting him right back into day-care Thursday. My hope is he's not a typhoid Mary. I'll double-check his temperature at daybreak. Shane has to last until nap time. Then I'll spring him and make a handoff to Nana and Pop. They are going to let him spend the night, so I can go to the JV Conference Tournament. 

Think healthy thoughts, Shane!

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