Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Days of Transition

Almost everyone I am directly related to is going through a transition.

Jama moved to the woodlands Monday.
Nana and Pop are selling their house and moving to South Carolina.
Matt and Renee are shopping for a house. Hopefully, before Nana and Pop sell theirs and they're homeless.
Patrick is changing his career trajectory and going into phlebotomy. I don't know if he'll stay in VA when he's done or if he'll follow the heads of the clan to SC.
Megan and Billy are about to transfer from India to new (and sadly separate) countries.
My brother-in-law, Chris, started a new job in Florida. His family moved there and they are living in a rental while they build a home.
Grandma and Grandpa are about to go to Montana to help with MomMom.
Carrie reports to her first day of work in Charlottesville on Friday. She moves down this weekend.
Shane started preschool/day-care again Tuesday.

The only family unit not moving is Kathleen's and they're losing sleep from a brand new baby, Evelyn! Stu nixed the idea of any future moves. He's had enough!

Lots and lots going on. I probably missed something in my list, too. It's hard to keep up with all of it. I plan on throwing up some updates around the family from time to time (especially if I can get a picture of Shane in on the action!).

We are living in interesting times.

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