Thursday, January 15, 2015

From a Talk to a First Step

Carrie accepted a job offer on Monday. She starts next week.

Moving just took one step closer to reality.

Carrie's new company will let her spend her first week commuting to a satellite office closer to us. The following week she will be in the Charlottesville office. Carrie will pick up the keys to the townhouse on Friday, January 23rd. If there is not a snow-storm, we will move her down that weekend.

I don't remember when Carrie and I first talked about moving. It was months ago. She applied to jobs far and wide all December. Nothing much happened. There was a lot of research. We took a day trip to Charlottesville for fun and to look around. That was my idea. Carrie and I have discussed a lot of things to stay on the same page. We're a team.

It was all hopes and dreams until a busy week in January. From slow to fast in an instant.

Our Realtor and our handyman both came by on Wednesday. We could put the house on the market as early as the end of February. Our Realtor was inclined to move quickly; I wanted to wait and see how Carrie likes her new job. We decided that she's at least committed until July (when the rental lease expires), but we're in a position for her to scout out the area without having to fully commit.

Plus, I still need a job. If I can't find work within a reasonable distance of the city we will have to rubber band back north. I won't sever ties with my current job unless I know I have somewhere else to go. I have 9.5 years earned towards my retirement plan whereas Carrie is starting afresh.

Then there's the house. When we do put it up for sale, Carrie's parents have offered to take Shane off our hands. That way I can keep the house in showcase shape. If it goes early, great! I will stay with my parents or friends in the area. If Nana and Pop sell their house quickly, too, I'll manage. There are showers at the school and I can sleep out of my car if I have to. I'd live.

If the house doesn't go quickly we will be in a different kind of spot. Would we lower the asking price? Would we look for renters? Would we maintain the property and wait for next spring? There are still two years before our ARM can change, so it's affordable. Not easy, but doable for the short-term.  

Lots of food for thought. It all happened quick, so some of it is still digesting. I didn't think we'd be this far along when I'm not even halfway through my school year! God works at his own timetable.

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