Sunday, January 18, 2015

Prepping to Sell: Distraction Duty

While Carrie painted, I was on distraction duty. Shane's help is no help at all! Ha!

We started off our journeys at Chic-Fil-A.

We met a friend from last weekend who really wanted to play. There was an older girl who was a bit of a snert, too. Guess which one Shane kept trying to play with? It wasn't the nice girl who wanted to play with him. Maybe that's typical male? It was not the best play time, so I hope it was somewhat of a learning time.

Next, we went to the library to see John. We wandered into the kid's section while John finished his desk duty. Shane walked up to the first kid he found and said,"Want to be my best friend?"


"Can you help me find Little Einsteins book?"


And like that an alliance was forged. The boy's older sister even helped them look Little Einsteins up on the computer! Shane danced while they typed.

I stayed back and tried not to help. Sometimes that's the hardest thing to do. It was fun to watch.

The fellowship disbanded once Shane found some books.

He was so absorbed he didn't see John sneak up over him.

I told Shane to look up when I noticed John's head hit code red. Otherwise, I think John would have passed out before Shane noticed.

John's office is a book filled wonderland.

We convinced Shane that John was a library pirate. He sails to different libraries to raid them for books (yarr!).

Our next stop was Nana's for nap. We took a minor detour to jump in an ankle deep pile of leaves.

Shane was too pumped to sleep at Nana's. I had to lay down with him. He woke up psyched, too. Nana forgot to take down the pickle. Shane spotted it, Pop stole it, but somehow Shane ended up with a promise to go to the dollar store.

We headed home with a new dinosaur toy. 

When we got there, Carrie was sore, tired, and thrilled with how much she accomplished. Shane and I went on a Home Depot run to give her a break.

Which turned out to be remarkable. An employee, Raquel, grabbed Shane and some other random boys. She took them behind the scenes (no dads allowed) and gave them all presents! Some assembly was required.

Shane's kept getting covered in hot lava from the concrete volcano.

I didn't paint any, but I was tired by the end of the day, too. Moving is hard work!

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