Saturday, August 29, 2015

Happy Birthday, Carrie!

We celebrated Carrie's birthday today! I won't tell how old. Grandma and Grandpa drove in to town.

We started with a family lunch.  

Next, was the cinema. We went to bleat with Shaun the Sheep! It was supposed to be a big surprise. Carrie loves surprises (when she plans them!). She didn't want Shane to know until Shaun came on screen.

We almost made it. Grandpa and I had a couple of close calls (Nana called me). Carrie was the one who accidentally let it slip! She realized it too late. "GAAAH!" Shane was excited.

This was our 2nd attempt to see a movie with Shane. The first was a bust. We made it through! That didn't make it easy. 

Shane asked to leave whenever tension mounted. We encouraged him to ride it out. Carrie held him. I told him to "have faith." The happy ending gave us a happy ending. 

"What was your favorite part?" I asked.

"When everyone was happy!" Shane said.

"At the end?"

"Yeah!" Shane said. "With all the happy pictures!" (the credits). 

All's well that end's well.

We had fun with the posters outside the movie, too.

I imagine it was confusing online when Grandpa posted pics. It doesn't look like we saw a movie about a sheep.

Carrie took Grandma over to see Pixel afterward. Carrie's super excited. She wanted to keep it a surprise from Shane until Pixel had a chance to settle in after her 12 hour trip down. Grandpa, Shane, and I watched the donut assembly line at Duck Donuts while we waited.

Shane was cranky and ready for a nap by the time we got home. The movie drained him. He must get that from me. I get sucked in and the emotional ride (while fun) always wears me out more than you'd expect.

We had a great time. Sunday, we'll show Shane Mommy's present. It'll be another surprise.

1 comment:

  1. How old is Pixel? I'm so glad that Grandma and Grandpa (Carrie's parents) came down to help celebrate Carrie's birthday,
