Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Soccer Day 2: The First Class!

Today was the first official class! Shane and I arrived early. He showed a lot of spirit.

I smiled ear to ear as he tore around the place. He was confident. He laughed. He ran and he ran!

Class started. She had everyone job back and forth. First, forwards. Then, backwards. Shane's interest waned when she asked us to shuffle.

Then the teacher asked us all to circle up.

If I tried to pick Shane up his legs went to jelly.

How do you be fun and positive while fair and firm? I'd love to know. I really didn't want to turn what was supposed to be a fun activity into something else.

I did my best to try and role-model and encourage, but the effect was short-lived. Shane completed the passing drill and some goal shots with me, but it taxed him.

Running wild pumped him up, but trying to focus drained Shane of all energy! It's hilarious after the fact (and I love the pictures! I took them on the sly).

"I predict trouble when he enters school!" Nana said.

I've had the same thought. At least life won't be boring.

After a few battles over the elevator and an attack on the teacher's cones, I cajoled Shane into a drill. He had to throw the ball from over his head like when the ball leaves the field. The teacher strolled by and said, "Good job!"

I tell you, Shane's eyes were on the teacher the rest of the drill. He threw that ball over and over. What an attention fiend....just not from me! Ha!

Shane was a full participant for the next two games. First, we played keep-away. There was enough chaos he was ecstatic. I worked up a good sweat during keep-away. I made sure he earned some victories.

Next, we played sharks and minnows. Shane kept charging out even after he crossed safely. He didn't want to leave when class ended. "Again! Again!" Shane ran up to the teacher. "Let's play again!"

Full time work and full time Shane is pretty exhausting. It was a good experience. We're both looking forward to class tomorrow.


  1. I do think that soccer will be a very good sport for Shane. He has such a high energy level that soccer seems a perfect fit. And the empty lot next to your house is great for practicing with Dad or friends. Good job hanging in there and getting him to participate in practice after he tried to bail out! Shane responded well to the coach's encouragement. He'll learn to obey the coach even when he feels bored. This should help him prepare for school, too. Dad and I are so proud of you both!

  2. Aw little kid soccer is so cute. Although it does sound exhausting for the parents! I would also love to know how to be fair and firm while positive. Cole (Mr. Boss of the World) isn't exactly Mr. Compliant either. A little 6 or 7-year-old wanted to play with us at McDonald's the other day, since there was no one else there. He was trying to tell Cole what to do, and Cole was trying to dictate what he should do! I tell him that no one wants to play with a bossypants ha.
