Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A Sudden Turn of Events

It wasn't too early Tuesday to learn something new (according to Nana). She tried to teach Shane how to roller skate for breakfast.

It's probably the one physical activity Nana eclipse's Shane in (unless you count napping!).

Shane might have bruised his way to a deeper understanding, but Carrie came outside to watch. Every fall was a "Strike" instead of a "Suck-it-up." She pulled the plug before enlightenment hit.

Shane went out for an adventure with Nana and Pop and Carrie and I took the opportunity for a date day. I had chicken and waffles for the first time I can remember (Can you believe I'm Texan?) Amazingly good ones, too!.

We went out to explore a little afterward. We went to a tack and a game store. There were no incidents at the tack store, but Carrie accidentally knocked a game behind a display. She wanted to buy a small game as an apology.

She likes kittens and kittens are in.

Carrie and I dropped by Kathleen and Stu's after our escapades (Which included a dollar store, carrying throwing bouncy balls at me from another isle, and discovering an inflatable John). Carrie had work to do and left after a little bit.

Probably a good thing since our son's climbing abilities evoke feelings other than awe in her.

I take a picture, shrug, and go back to the conversation.

Visiting the cousins is one of Shane's favorite activities when we visit SC. He's asked to move to Greenville multiple times.

I can't say I blame him. It'd be a constant party.

If Carrie didn't work with her parents and my retirement wasn't tied to the state, I'd consider it.

Nana left Shane and I to play, so Carrie had to pick us up later. I texted her when it seemed a Cole meltdown was imminent (Evelyn started to stir the pot by kicking him).

I got a call from Nana before Carrie arrived. For the fourth time this week, a social worker called Nana and Pop begging. This time, there was a trio of young girls who needed a place to stay for 24 hours. They talked it over and agreed to host them.

I am proud that my parents follow God's will for their lives and serve the way they do. I grew up with them hosting different people at our house. They started respite and emergency foster care after I moved out, but it was a natural fit for they way God built them. I figured Shane could sleep upstairs with Carrie and I for the night and if the foster kids were too traumatized (you never know what you'll get) we'd go on our own adventures in the morning.

Carrie has more trouble dealing with the unknown. Her old boss, Gaston, told her some horror stories of when his family did foster care, and she was unable to accept the unknown that came with the emergency placement.

We found ourselves in a hotel. Grandma and Grandpa used some of their points (Travel agents earn a lot).

I told Shane we were sleeping somewhere new, so that there would be more beds if needed for the foster kids. Nana and Pop could focus on them and we'd go do some hiking or other activities Nana and Pop weren't up for.

We taught Shane how to play Battle Kittens before bed (Carrie and I had learned the rules and played it earlier on our date).

Carrie and I talked and she agreed to meet the foster kids tomorrow if Nana and Pop said they checked out. Most kids come in on a honeymoon period. They're normally quieter and better behaved as they reel from the shock and change.

I half wondered if I was a wimp for not insisting we stay to meet the foster girls before leaving. However, I felt like it was wiser to make peace in the present to facilitate a better ending.

What happened? Read the next post.

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