Sunday, April 22, 2018

Spring Sunday

Sunday, we had a play date with Sam after church. Paul (Sam's dad), Sam, and Toby (Sam's brother) met us at Azalea park. The scooters were popular, Sam destroyed the men's room, and Shane bent Toby's slinky. 

Meanwhile, Paul and I kept popping up and down to marshal the boys and enjoyed some adult conversation in between. I'd brought Ancillary Justice to read if I had spare time and brain power. Paul recognized it as something he'd read. He's an interesting guy and our kids get along, so it makes for a fun outing for everyone.

Toby wandered over to watch a social group's dodgeball game. Sam followed and eventually I forced Shane to head over (He hid under the bleachers at first. I had asked if Shane or Sam could balance on the barrier going around the playground. Shane kept running and fell off. He was frustrated that Sam did better than him and was being stand off-ish).

Shane didn't care about dodgeball. He did care about the hole with ants in it by the dugout.

The boys proceeded to excavate.

Shane would have been happy to tunnel into the dugout.

Nobody minded.

Shane's inner monkey kicked in twenty minutes later!

We said our goodbyes and headed to baseball practice afterward. Shane missed a catch and got to experience a pitch to the chest for the first time. The coaches checked on him and he recovered in a couple minutes without needing me.

Maybe the coach felt bad, because Shane got first crack at batting practice.

The other coaches had the kids practicing fielding and base running.

The dirt calls to Shane. He can't leave it alone.

What there aren't pictures of is Shane's bathroom break. After batting practice, he said he needed to go to the bathroom. However, the bathrooms were locked. I was going to have him pee on a tree, but he said, "It's poop!"

We had to drive to the gas station. Once Shane finished his business I drove him back to practice.

Practice ran for an hour and a half. We were done with our day's activities and home before 5.

I was done, too. It was chores and reading followed by electronics and sleeping.

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