Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Opening Game for Coach Pitch

It was a no go for "Go Bo's!"

The team swapped out jerseys and hats before our opening game. We were now the UVA Financial Unions. 

That has nowhere near the awesome ring of, "It's Bo time!" but you have to give UVA Financial credit for supporting the league.

The other team had a funny name. They were the Pampered Pets!

There warm up was very different than ours, but I recognized it and the coaches! Coach Matt Sr and Coach Josh. I recognized several of the kids from our tee-ball team.

Shane hadn't recognized anyone yet. He was busy warming up. I couldn't find his glove in the car, so he had to use mine.

I finally put the chair I got from the SOCA equipment sale to use and settled in to watch. It felt weird being on the sideline.

Shane was pumped for the game. That was good. He also enjoys kicking up dirt. That gets him in trouble. I sat back most of the game, but I had to poke my head in once or twice with a "Settle down and listen!"

We were up at bat first. Shane proudly chose the helmet with a face cage.

When he got up to bat, he realized he knew the catcher! It was his friend, Matthew!

"Aw man! I wish I could be on your team!" Shane said.

"Yeah! We hit home runs!" Matthew replied.

That kicked off the friendly badgering back and forth. That put the game on hold a moment until the coaches got the boys focused in! I couldn't hear any of it from where I was, but Coach Matthew Sr told me after the game.

I filmed Shane's first at bat. You can watch or here's the summary.

First, he nearly nails the other coach in the butt with his practice swings. Next, he whiffs a bunch of times. Then he hits the ball with a chop/swing and celebrates on first base!

I caught the first time Shane yelled to the kid on 2nd base about his helmet. Shane started to yell back to home plate and Matthew afterward. "Look at my helmet!" Shane called. "Don't I look like Darth Vader!?" 

In his running position, I thought he looked a little like a cactuar. 

Shane wanted to "stand in the middle" when it was time to take the field (or "play pitcher" if he knew how to speak baseball). He was thrilled to be in the middle of everyone.

He focused in and had a good first inning (most of the time).

Shane got a hit and made it around the bases for his second at bat, too. It was his turn to stand in the outfield at the bottom of the inning. He mainly spent the time turning his head upside down, spinning, and picking grass.

Still, it was a good experience. He remembered more than I expected from tee-ball. Snack was earned.

Shane and I made our way to the other side to talk to our old coaches and friends after the game.

Baseball is going much better than I expected. Maybe it will be a sport that he sticks with.

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