Friday, April 13, 2018

Shane School Update

Kathleen and I talked over the break about what school was like for our boys. Cole's school sounded like a no-nonsense, drill, assign homework, and test-them-all center. Meanwhile, Shane gets a pair of recesses and has no homework.

If it's a competition, I think we came out ahead. 

I've started to make Shane read to me each night. He's listened to a ton of stories and can comprehend things while rolling and jumping on top of me, but that's not the same as reading practice. The kids were given a standardized test in February. Unsurprisingly, Shane is solid at math. We play games, I point out patterns, and have done basic things to instill number sense and logic. Shane's reading score was very good, but lower. 

So, reading. This is the book we're currently working through. I've got Shane reading the whole thing.

Handwriting...well, I sucked at that. After we got a computer and I started to type, Nana once famously said, "You know, your writing wasn't terrible anymore once I could actually read it!"

I won't do this in future grades, but I thought it would be funny/interesting to record Shane's report cards. Pop saved all of ours (being the super organized man he is).

Quarter 1 - Shane is happy and hyper.

Quarter 2 - Still happy and hyper! He may be wearing down the teacher a little.

Quarter 3 - Shane is doing well academically. Does better with literacy when he does not rush and "Shane often rushes..." Math is great and then I had to say, "That's my son," when I read the last three sentences. "Shane is continuing to work on his self-control during whole group instruction and activities. Shane often rolls around, makes noises, and distracts those around him."

It was a totally different system with As, Bs, O, and Ns, when I was a kid. Now it's basically Meeting or Nearly Meeting. Exceeds is on there, but that must take work to prove so it's not normally used. The same probably goes for Below Expectations.

Shane got his worst "scores" in behavior related areas.

PS - Shane has tardies mentioned, but only one of them was by more than 10 minutes. That was the day I took Shane to the doctor's and dropped him off an hour late. He's missed school 3 times all year.

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