Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Hotel Mornings

We woke up on the 7th floor. We'd gone to sleep there, so it checked out. This would be a bad hotel for an acrophobe.

Hotels have elevators and breakfast. Something for everyone!

And this one had a pool! I told Shane we should do push-ups to swoll up before any pictures. He jumped in and left me hanging.

Carrie stayed to watch for a little bit which is a step for her. Then the little stink forgot how to swim, because he didn't have goggles. I kid you not.

The stink started to make his way across the pool (which is much shorter and shallower than his lesson pool) got water in his eyes and said, "Help!" He was treading water, trying to blink and wipe away the water in his eyes, and floundering at it. I swam over to him before Carrie jumped into the water with her phone and shoes on. He was near a wall and I would have let him attempt to figure it out if I didn't think Carrie would have dived in.

I made Shane swim a lap across the whole pool to show Carrie, "He just wasn't used to the water in his eyes," but the damage was done. She watched him swim back and forth twice and opted to go back to the room. We stayed and played for at least another forty minutes. Shane likes the water....when it's not in his eyes!

We showered off and crashed in the room afterward. Shane watched a lot more TV than normal.

Carrie fell asleep and I blogged while he was occupied.

We met up with Nana, Pop, Cole, and the foster girls at the kid's museum around 1 PM. Choosing to wait led to meeting up with the foster kids, after all.

The girls were nice, but highly distracted by the mob of toys, kids, and exhibits. Shane was, too! Carrie stayed for a little while, but the museum was packed with kids, noise, and chaos. She left to work in the car (There was a project she was working on).

Meanwhile, play kicked into high gear.

Cole had played with the girls all morning. They'd even gone to McDonald's together for lunch.

He switched gears to follow Shane once we arrived.

The two older girls took off one direction, the youngest another, and the boys another.

Luckily, there were three adults around. I followed the boys.

Our paths crossed from time to time. For the record: I have evidence that Shane did not put paper shreds in anyone's hair.

He may have thrown the first shreds and sown the idea, but his hands are (technically) clean.

Shane is a natural at play areas. He joins a random group or starts his own game. Kids join and he wanders off from place to place doing whatever his current thing is. Shane ended up playing with a group of kids and trying to stop some other kids from "robbering" from their bakery.

Cole's a little quieter. He doesn't jump in as quickly. He wandered off on his own to read some signs and wander on his own. I watched him as he slowly strolled around. Shane, I could hear. Even with all the other noise going on.

I spotted potty sign and suggested a pit stop. Shane was dragged along.

We found Nana, Pop, and the girls downstairs.

Shane loves water. Loves, loves it. He kept at it and hardly even noticed when Nana, Pop, the girls, and Cole left. We stayed and played until Carrie came in looking for a bathroom break.

I warned him not to get wet. I told him he'd get cold. There were aprons. However, I left him to his own devices after my warning. I didn't want to nag and experience is a great teacher.

He was cold.

How much he was dramatizing how cold he was is up for debate. The kid was only a few degrees shy of looking like he'd gone swimming.

I took him outside to try and dry out before we left. It would have been easier if it was warmer, but Shane had fun nonetheless.

We picked up some smoothies and rendezvoused back at Nana and Pop's for the rest of the night. Shane and Cole hopped on Mario Odyssey. The girls played, packed, and then were picked up by the social worker. Nana and Pop had allowed them to stay together for the night by taking them in. Now they were off to their new placement. That's tough. I will be praying for them.

Carrie discovered that Nana and Pop have a ton of Dirty Job episodes recorded. That became the show of choice for the remainder of the trip. Also, I put Carrie on the spot and told Shane she'd tell him a bedtime story. She rose to the occasion and started to tell him a modified version of Sword Art Online (What Carrie likes, she really likes!).

We never did make it hiking to see any waterfalls, but it was a memorable day nonetheless.

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