Wednesday, April 18, 2018


The schedule went from packed to open. Sunday, practice was cancelled. Monday, the game was rescheduled. There was a performance Shane could have sang in Wednesday. I signed the permission, but left the choice to him. I asked him Tuesday if he wanted to, and he said, "No."

I got home from work with the intention of taking Shane to Taekwando. I was tired, Carrie wasn't lost in work, and a different thought occurred.

"I need to pick Shane early for TKD.......or we could play Year 7 of Harry Potter," I said.

I had to sprint out the door to pick Shane up on time. Raheem asked to go and I said, "No time!" over my shoulder as I ran past him to the car. 

Shane got to watch us play the last couple of turns when he got home. Voldemort was defeated!

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