Sunday, April 15, 2018

Sunday Storm Fake-Out

Sunday was set to be a day of rest. Storms were predicted to start after noon. Baseball practice would get cancelled and after church we'd watch TV, play games, and have an easy day.

Shane and I started off trying out a new board game. He got this one from Kim and Ryan.

Then he helped Carrie make some brownies.

After church, practice was cancelled, but the sun continued to shine. Raheem knocked on the door. I figured we'd stay out until the rain started.

Not that it ever did.

Carrie and I had a competition killing carpenter bees. It was fun and foolish. No one was stung.

Shane and Rah cheered. They tried to do some hunting themselves, but they mainly ran.

Shane wanted to dig in the dirt and make avalanches again when we were done. I was still thinking it would rain or get dark or get cold or do something to trigger, "Time to go inside." So I said, "Sure."

I went over to better see what they were up to and take a few pictures this time.

They got good and dirty.

Side note: The bamboo wars should start again soon. I saw three runners. One was old and I had cut it. It was still rock hard and rooted so well it'd take a spade and a lot of exertion to do anything about. There were two intact runners beside it foreshadowing the battle to come.

Carrie came outside and sat on the porch to see what we were up to. She brought up DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). Shane was interested and wanted to know more, so she pulled out her cell phone. They snuggled up on the bench.

Rah was bored and asked about a book. I brought out Waldo. He wanted me to watch him find Waldo and friends for a little.

Carrie, Shane, and I called it quits not long after. I let Rah know we were going in for the night.

A peculiar thing happened: Carrie pulled out a sharpie and turned her yoga mat into a poor man's DDR mat. Then she streamed a DDR video for Shane to try.

He's still working on the concept.

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