Saturday, October 20, 2018

9 AM Soccer

Game #3 was a loss. The score was 4-4 in the final half when a pair of goals ended the Purple Narwhal's win streak (6-4).  

It was a good game. We were down a few kids and fortune swung Green's way several times and against us a couple more. I had to laugh at a Green penalty kick. Hayden was our goalie and he was half the size of the Green kid who stepped to the line. Green kicked the ball high straight over Hayden's head! Hayden jumped and was able to touch fingertips to the ball, but there was no chance of stopping it!

The kids handled the loss well. It was a lot of fun to watch. I'm really liking U10 compared to U8. I complemented Shane on jumping in front of a big kid twice and getting knocked down to clear the ball. I praised how brave and tough he was and mentioned how he saved his team from being scored on. I didn't praise his acting skills, but Shane's a natural at trying to build sympathy and getting a foul called! He may have a future in soccer.

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