Monday, October 15, 2018

Basketball Evaluations 2018

Shane's going to try basketball again this year. I want him to try it at least for a couple of years, maybe three. He's doing it younger than I did, so they're teaching fundamentals. I'd like for him to know the difference between a zone defense and man-to-man before he quits, but time will tell if he's got the desire and I've got the energy to keep him at it.

Today was the basketball evaluations. I figured it would take half an hour, but it took half an hour before it was our turn to do anything! Shane didn't mind, because he played Star Realms on my phone (deck-building card game). 

I recorded five different challenges. Here's the link to last year's

Shooting challenge:

Shane actually made more shots last year. However, he's clearly stronger this year, because he threw the ball OVER the hoop.

Lane shooting challenge: 

Shane did similar to last year on the lane shooting. He understood the flow of the drill much quicker. He seemed too revved up. He didn't settle down to shoot and acted a little mopey when he didn't do as well as planned. I heard him loudly complain about another kid teasing him, but it was nothing. Shane needs to develop some thicker skin.

Sidestep challenge:

I know Shane knows how to side-step. This was just funny to watch. He was clearly rushing and not settling! Makes for good entertainment viewing!

Right handed dribble:

Compared to last year, I think this was the area Shane showed the most improvement at the evaluations. 

Left handed dribble:

This one was just funny to watch. Shane's better at dribbling with his right hand, but he clearly hasn't practiced any with the left!

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