Sunday, October 21, 2018

UVA Soccer Day #2 (Now with Friends!)

We had so much fun last week, we decided to go to a UVA Women's game again this week!

It was a homecoming match. There was free swag and balloons!

Shane was ready to sword fight with friends before we ever found our seats!

We invited Sam to go with us. His family decided to attend as a family trip, though.

Shane and I sat next to the band, because they're loud and he's loud. It was a match made in heaven.

We switched seats when we heard back from Sam's family. They'd sat away from the band due to the noise (Ha!). They had Iggy with them, as well.

Iggy was really into the game. Sam was mostly into the game. Shane was into the cheering, stomping, and "Let's go run on the other side together!"

I hoped to avoid the concession stand this time. I had Shane eat before we left. However, Paul bought Sam and Iggy candy at halftime, so I was sunk.

Candy side note: At first, all the boys wanted sour patch kids. Then, Sam or Iggy said, "Nah! Skittles!" and suddenly all the boys wanted Skittles instead. Shane had already grabbed Sourpatch, so I told him, "Too late!" Shane was bummed at first, but it opened up a world of candy trading later amongst the boys. Sometimes it's great to be the odd one out!

Shane got his wish and we went to the other side of the field for the last 15 minutes of the game. UVA was losing. Their goalie gave up an accidental goal she could have picked up and the other team capitalized on a breakaway earlier, as well. UVA had the ball more often, shot more, corner kicked more, but they couldn't get the shots on goal and past the goalie.

And while Iggy was into the game, Sam came to the wild side.

Iggy's the one in the scarf ignoring all the wrestling and rolling about!

I was perfectly happy to let the kids run and do whatever as long as they didn't do it in front of another family watching on blankets.

Wrestling in the grass? Why not!?

Thunder stick sword fight?

Go for it boys! Even Iggy joined that one for a moment.

Sam's parents were more reserved about horseplay at a sports game, and I got it. They let Sam run around until they felt like it was obnoxious to others and made him take a break. I had Shane sit with me, so that his friend could calm down and listen to his parents before we left.

All in all, it was a great game! Shane wanted to know if Sam and Iggy could play afterward, too. He was okay if Sam's visiting grandparents came as well, and was less keen on understanding the concept of "family time!"

Iggy used to be in Shane's class, but he's not at Jackson Via anymore. I don't know the full story there. It was good to see him at the game.

Hilariously, we broke the groups apart to say, "Farewell," and I stalled a little bit with Shane before heading to the car.

We were parked next to each other! I don't know who parked first, but we met up again a final time!

Shane barely registered that UVA lost. He was pumped up from time with friends in a crowd. That's my little extrovert.

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