Thursday, October 18, 2018

Tooth Troubles

I've developed a sensitive tooth. I had a filling put in at the end of August and that's where the problem is. It hurts to eat or drink anything cold.

On top of that, it hurts to floss now. A hygienist once told me that if it hurts or bleeds when I floss it's a time to floss some more.

I took that too far. I've been trying to floss the pain away and my gums have rebelled.

I decided to go to a new dentist. I don't know how much the toothache and x-ray bill from my old dentist were bad timing/coincidence and how much was a sign it was time to move on. The new dentist is a short drive and next to Shane's local preschool. There's only a single stoplight en route!

Unfortunately, my pain stumped the new dentist. From the x-rays she thought it would be one filling, but it was the other tooth that bothered me. She said the fillings looked good and the roots looked good, so the best option was to floss less, use fluoride, toothpaste for sensitive teeth, and wait to see if it got better.

I was happy I didn't need an expensive procedure, but sad there wasn't a way to put my tooth back to normal.

At that point, I called it a day. I set up my next cleaning with the new dentist, so we'll see if my sensitivity ever fades.

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