Sunday, August 18, 2019

Church Exploring

Carrie went out of town on a horse errand, so Shane and I were left to our own devices. I asked Shane if he'd rather visit the small church in town or go to our normal church.

He chose to visit somewhere new.

The church we went to is a tiny one in town. It's only a few miles away (compared to 15 miles for our usual). There were some interesting spiderwebs out front.

The bell chimed as we walked up. It was a traditional, Methodist service. There were around twenty people in the room and Shane was one of only two children there this week.

Shane enjoyed it. He wasn't a fan of trying to stand and sing (strangely), but when he got to go to children's church he enjoyed himself. I think he liked all of the attention (two kids + two adult volunteers = lots of attention).

It was a short service.

It was brutally hot on the way back, but Shane was ready to go fishing! I'll have to take him at some point, but off a bridge in town into a foot of water without any shade in sight wasn't my idea of a fishing good time.

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