Thursday, August 1, 2019

Scotland Day 10 - Time to Go Home

Carrie and I ate breakfast, packed up, and were out the door by 10 AM. Our flight was delayed, but we had nowhere else to go. 

We backtracked past Stirling castle again ("Quick! Take a picture, Mike!") and hopped back on the M8.

We remembered to get a picture this time as we drove past the kelpies ("Quick! Take a picture, Mike!").

When we rented the car, we paid in advance for a full tank of gas. The rate Enterprise offered was lower than the going rate at all the gas stations we went by. The employee said it would pay off more if we came back with less petrol in the tank.

Challenge accepted.

When the gas light comes on, you have to have faith that's it's making an accurate prediction about how much gas is left. We were a little on edge, but we made it! It wasn't a record score, but I think we got a good deal!

It seemed like a fantastic deal for Enterprise. 1) They guaranteed a sale of gas. 2) Gas, I'm sure they weren't selling the gas at cost or a loss. 3) If anyone planned/gambled poorly, they'd come in with too much gas and Enterprise would fare even better in the exchange.

When we checked in at the airport, we were awarded with some vouchers, because of the delay! That paid for our lunches and some drinks as we settled down in a Costa outside our gate. I wouldn't have minded exploring the stores a little more, but the walkways were crowded and there was a chance Carrie would spot a deal.

I'm not sure how good a deal "rolly brushes" were, but the dispenser in the bathroom amused me enough to take a picture.

When we got on the plane, Carrie used synchronized button mashing so that we could finish Avengers Infinity War and watch Johnny English Strikes Again together. I tried to nap some to be ready to drive while Carrie watched The Crimes of Grindlewald.

We were the only international flight to land late in Dulles (I think). There were only a few customs booths open and we seemed to be the only people in the area. Carrie and I had powerwalked to make sure we were near the front of the queue, so that we could get home before we fell asleep!

It felt good to be back on the right side of the road (literally and figuratively). I had planned to drive, but Carrie insisted she wanted to before she was too tired to help. She ended up driving the whole way home.

Is that a burning man on the side of I-66?

No, just an odd crane. If Carrie had it seen it, too, I'd have suspected I was delirious from fatigue!

It was late when we got back to the house. We unloaded suitcases, went in, and crashed! Home, home at last!

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