Sunday, August 11, 2019

Kitty Delivery

Grandma and Grandpa came by! They had a special delivery.

They've entertained Bucket and Max since March.

The cats weren't happy campers about being transported. 

Max took to the new house like a duck to water. Exploring is her nature!

Not so much Bucket. This is as far as Bucket got before she skittered back into the laundry room.

She spent the rest of the afternoon behind the washer and dryer while her sister joyfully poked around!

We left Bucket alone and that let Grandpa and Grandma look around at how the house had changed since their last visit. Shane showed Grandpa his room.

Then we all went out for lunch to celebrate. Shane wanted a PB&J. Normally, I tell him "No. That's a home food; I'm not paying restaurant pricing for that." Today, he asked and I said, "I would say no, but Grandma is treating you so clear it with her."

Shane got it cleared with Grandma, but then mommy vetoed (so close!). I felt a little bad for him, but $6 for a PB&J meal when we're down the street is fairly ludicrous (and all of the other food is great! He had spaghetti and made tornadoes).

When we got back to the house, I suggested some gator drives.

Grandma took one look at the seat and said, "I'm not sitting in that!"

Admittedly, it was pretty dirty (We are almost a farm).

We cleaned it up enough and then Carrie proceeded to launch the Gator.

Carrie, Shane, and Grandma went for the first trip.

Grandpa and I were the photography and pit crew.

Grandpa hopped on for round 2.

There's a simple joy in driving around off-road like a maniac.

When Shane's older maybe we can build a ramp....

To Carrie's great dismay, I hopped in the BACK of the Gator and said, "My turn!" She wasn't happy when I started to stand in the back either!  It wasn't captured on camera, but I got a selfie looking very mischievous (Is my face that much of a giveaway?).

Shane really wanted to join me, but Carrie wouldn't let him. "What if you fall? What lesson will he learn?"

"Don't fall."

I thought about trying to take a video as we came over a hill, but then I thought, "Phones can fall, too."

We put the Gator away soon after. Carrie and Grandma went on a barn tour while the boys went inside.

Shane wanted Grandpa to play Flick Em Up with him. I played and Grandpa nearly took a nap on the couch!

Max saw everyone off when it was time to go.

Max was satisfied. It was, "Home Sweet Home" for her!

Others were harder to convince.

I was able to coax Bucket out for some rubs when Shane was occupied elsewhere. She didn't come out to explore of her own volition until the sun went down.

We're happy to have the fuzz buckets back. I'm sure they'll be fully accustomed to their new surroundings in no time.

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