Monday, August 19, 2019

Open House for Shane

I picked Shane up from TKD camp a little earlier today and rushed him down to his school's open house. We were hoping to catch the end of it.

Carrie beat us there and Shane took off running when she called!

We entered through the cafeteria and met Shane's afterschool teachers.

Then we trotted down the hall to his classroom.

We met Shane's teacher and he let Shane pick a cubby up top instead of on the bottom. Shane had to move the contents of his chosen cubby before he could put his name on it.

This will be Shane's first male teacher. I don't think I had a male teacher until I was in 7th grade. This is not overly important other than I'm a male teacher and that put it on my mind (I'm not sure I ever really want to teach at an elementary school, but it was a thought).

The school is an older building, but well kept up. Shane's looking forward to meeting new kids.

There were a few running around in the gym, but Shane didn't seem to overly hit it off with any before we moved on.

We didn't walk all the way to the music room. It was hot. 

We stopped by the front office to figure out the bus schedule and met Shane's bus driver.

Then we walked out the front door as things were wrapping up.  The principal was standing out front with a bubble machine that caught Shane's fancy.

The school year is almost upon us! I hope Shane will make some good friends this year we can invite over!

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