Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Blue Screen of Death

Lenovo wanted a bios update. It bricked Shane's computer.

Carrie spent days unsuccessfully trying to make a recovery drive, format, or do anything with it. It seemed dead, so she shifted towards researching what new computers cost nowadays in case we do get him something to work on.

Ironically, I just watched a video on planned obsolescence....or maybe this was incompetence? I won't update the bios on anything Lenovo in the future if we even purchase from them again. 

But there's more.

I discovered a new wrinkle to the story when I got home: Carrie bought a replacement.

Carrie was unimpressed with his school laptop and wanted him to have something for the school year. She said that Costco upped a deal on the model she'd been eyeing from $150 off to $200 off. The setup included a mouse and keyboard with a final cost including taxes under $750. She said Grandma and Grandpa donated Christmas money towards it, too.

Frankly, I didn't want it. I wanted to wait.

But now it's here and it's working. It is nice to have a place for Shane to do his "chores" (Prodigy, Rosetta).

I guess I agreed with the general idea, but not the timing. In the end, it should all work out as long as I swallow my pride and don't make a stink that it wasn't done in the manner I preferred. 

Which segues brings up the next blog post...

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