Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Dye Job

Carrie dyed her hair this week! Most of the time it looks like her natural color, but when the light hits just right...

I thought it looked great! It was the other bit of news that surprised me: She dyed Shane's hair, too.

It was at his request.

I was not a fan.

"Right before he starts school!?" I asked. 

"He likes it!" Carrie said.

"That's because Shane likes nearly anything that draws attention. Good or bad!" 

I hoped it was temporary and would wash out, but Shane's going to have green hair for a few weeks. I could buzz it off, but he's pleased. 

They both are.

In the end, I felt I had to bite my tongue. Shy of shaving him bald, there was no going back. 

And he was happy. 

The dye jobs were a bonding moment that kept Shane and Carrie entertained while I was at work. I'd rather not send Shane back to school for the first time in a year and a half with green hair, but if he wants to make a splash, I guess he'll make a splash! 

So at this point, my prayer is that my initial reaction was wrong and things play out for the best. A shock move is a gamble that can go well or fall flat. I pray Shane will get some attention and share some laughs rather than be laughed at. 

I wonder if this is going to be a recurring theme through the teenage years....

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