Monday, August 9, 2021

Lane Arrives

Sunday, was a trailer day. Carrie hitched up the truck and we drove over to Sarah's rescue.

The point up the trip was to pick up Lane.

His front feet were in rough shape and he was in need "of a full restart" post racetrack. 

Sarah walked him back on the grass instead of the gravel to save him some pain (Side note: Alex helps out at the rescue! First time I'd seen her in a long while).

Lane seems to have a good personality. He loaded up without issue.

He wasn't happy about the trip, but it was a short one ("The last time he was in a trailer was when they pulled him from the kill lot," Carrie said).

There was a minor hiccup with offloading. One of Lane's feet caught and he was sure he was blocked. Carrie had to make him walk forward and straighten out.

It went smoothly after that. He was curious and a little worried about being somewhere new.

Our horses were just as curious about him.

We stalled all the boys for introductions. Lane got to touch muzzles with Eddy.

He had to say hi to Ernie down the way.

Carrie let Lane out to explore after everyone got acquainted. He went out and explored the fields on his own.

And he was running back in full speed when he noticed too late that there was a fence in front of him. Nothing to do, but go over!

He didn't clear it either. Carrie had to do emergency repairs (and saw skid marks from the aborted brake attempt!).

We'd just let Eddy out to join him and he looked very confused.

Lane integrated fast. Maybe it's because he's the bottom of the totem pole.

Carrie really likes his personality so far. She gave him a bath and came inside saying he was a "love bug."

Lane will stay with us short term. The goal is for Carrie to restart his training enough that he can be rehomed successfully (like Huck). I don't know how long that will take, but I'd assume at least a couple of months.

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