Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Charity Side Gig

Carrie woke up at 5:15 AM on Monday. She donated her time, truck, and trailer to a charity by driving one of their horses to surgery at Virginia Tech.

The filly's name was Maya.

She was a rescue from an auction and nearly went to a meat buyer.

She had a condition that could have been treated easily as a foal, but was left unattended since she was abandoned. Maya couldn't use her front right hoof correctly. She walked on it like a ballerina walks on tiptoes. She could compensate now, but if she grew to full size it would become crippling. The options were: Surgery or euthanize. 

If you want a better explanation, I recommend you look this up online, but the gist of it was that Maya needed her deep digital flexor cut surgically.

It's the only tendon that goes down to the base of the hoof and it wasn't releasing or allowing her to use her foot correctly.

The danger was the tendon runs much further up the leg than just the hoof and there was no going back once it was cut. The surgeons would perform the surgery, examine how Maya adapted, and then decide if she was likely to recover or if she needed to be put to sleep.

The operation was Wednesday and word came that it went well.

The charity sent Carrie pictures and she passed them along to me.

It looked like the vets were fans!

They even signed her cast!

Carrie is slated to transport Maya back when she's ready to come home. A date has not been set. Carrie, also, offered to let Maya do her stall rest at our barn, but it sounds like that won't happen. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is so wonderful of Carrie! It must make God smile to see Carrie being so kind and helpful to this horse! Well done!
