Thursday, May 27, 2021

Weeds, weeds, weeds!

Last year at the start of the pandemic, I did a lot of weeding. I had the time. I had the energy.

This year, we didn't start weeding until May. It was nearly too late.

Some of the weeds had started to grow out seed pods.

Carrie recognized the variety and said that the pods turned black before they released their contents....which I was able to find examples of.

They hadn't released their seeds yet from what I could tell, though! We made it before it got worse!

There's a moral lesson in there somewhere. You can let a problem go only so long until it becomes a bigger problem, etc, etc. 

Like with my blog (How's that for a segue?). I'm writing this post for May 27th on June 12th. It's not the furthest I've been behind, but when I get behind far enough it makes it harder to right the course. I drafted out the next post weeks ago and it's an end of school year "I'm tired," sort of thing, so I won't go into that here.

There's still a lot of weeding and writing to do. No better time to start chipping away than now.

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