Tuesday, May 18, 2021

You think you have it all together...

My driver's license was set to expire near the start of the pandemic. I was proactive, made an online account, and renewed it that way.

Or so I thought.

When Carrie and I went to fill out our taxes the program requested our licenses, their issue, and their expiration dates. Mine was expired, but I said, "I renewed it online. They never sent a new one for some reason."

Carrie looked at me like I was crazy, so I continued. "They scanned it when I voted and I know I've used it since. It just gets scanned."

So Carrie looked online: Expired.

I don't know which of us was more surprised. 

"You've been driving without a license for how long?" Carrie asked. "You've crossed state lines!"

There was about 20 minutes of pulling documents, looking up DMV hours, realizing they only did appointments and the first appointment wasn't until the end of June....and then we clicked the renew button online.

I was licensed again.

It was a roller coaster ride for those 20 minutes! I felt like I dodged a bullet. Thank you, Jesus! You kept me out of trouble before I even knew I was in trouble.

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