Thursday, May 13, 2021

Electronics Overdose

They're rare, but sometimes Shane gets headaches. They seem to happen after a lot of excitement without enough rest or if Shane gets hours and hours of electronics. Both happen to me, so I presume that's where he gets it from. Mine are fatigue related. A good night's sleep is the best cure...and the same seems to be true for Shane. He can be dramatic, but when he wants to take a nap or turns in early? 

Thursday, I came home from work and Shane had a headache. Carrie had given him some medicine, but he complained until he laid down in his room. He fell asleep for a little bit before he came out and continued the nap leaning against me.

I stayed on the couch with him and read a book on my phone. He felt a lot better when he woke up and went to bed without complaint later on.

Carrie fell asleep leaning against me on the couch later! Like mother, like son! I took a picture of it for proof, but I'm not dumb enough to post it online without permission (She knows where I sleep!).

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