Saturday, May 15, 2021

Reception Party

Saturday was Dylan's Dad and Step-Mom's wedding reception/celebration. They had a small, family only ceremony a month prior. I asked, "John, shouldn't you have shot for May the 4th?" But he's more of a Star Trek fan.

Google maps took Shane and I on a weird side journey into a neighborhood that clearly wasn't where we were going. I backtracked and read real road signs until we hit a long driveway with a random kid waving at the end. I thought he might be a greeter and rolled down my window to say hi, but he just smiled and went back to whatever game he was playing on his cellphone. Later down the road/driveway we saw Ava walking, so I knew we were in the right place.

We saw Dylan as we neared the house. He ran over to the car to greet us and then the boys ran off together!

Their first stop was the house where the snacks were. After that, I didn't see Shane for a while! I figured he'd show back up for cake.

I was thrilled to see the trivia crew! I figured John and Kelly would be busy being celebrated and being hosts. I hadn't known if anyone else I'd know would be around, so when I saw Tom and Fabrice I said, "These are my people."

They'd come with their friend Erin (spelling?) who was an old friend from JMU. She'd been appointed photographer upon arrival.

I took a few of my own photos from the side, but nothing fancy.

John and Kelly dressed down after the photo ops and it was a relaxed food and hangout vibe. There wasn't a band or any real music. Just people eating and talking.

And the kids ran free. Shane's so social I don't worry about him running off too far from the pack. He'd rather be with everyone else than explore too far! There were some teenagers in the group who seemed responsible enough, too. My only pictures are from afar. I let my son roam and play.

"There were two worlds," Shane said. "The normal one and the nerf one!" There was apparently a large nerf battle off in the fields. I probably could've got some epic photos, but I was too busy talking with my peeps.

And I was right: Shane did come back for cake!

Shane and Dylan parked up on the porch where they enjoyed dessert.

I'd thought Eli would've run around with the boys, but he seemed to be off with his own friend. I thought Ava might hang out with them, as well, after the hiking trip, but she did her own thing, too.

Which included scraped knees after falling off a high speed scooter down the driveway. It wasn't a terrible fall, but with everyone looking? John and Kelly came sprinting down from the house to the rescue!

I thought about challenging Shane to roll down the hill when I saw him later. I would've wanted the adrenaline rush as a kid, but Shane's rush comes from the social. He was running around the house when I went in to use the bathroom!

I found him upstairs hiding when it was time to go. Dylan had left with his Aunt, Uncle, and cousins and Shane hadn't even realized it. "Can we stay longer? There are lots of other kids!" Three and a half hours was nowhere near long enough for him! It didn't matter if people were packing up tables or not!

I saw a sign on the wall as we were heading out Nana would've liked. 

We were gone for nearly six hours with the drive and some errands before and after. I grabbed a full tank of gas on the way home to ensure Shane could see his Nana the following afternoon!

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