Monday, May 3, 2021

SAT Crash Course

While Shane was out of town, we had an SAT day at my school. That should have been boring, only it wasn't for one student.

They parked their car "in a lake." I heard about it the next day. One student showed me a video uploaded of the kid chasing after their car as it rolled away! 

I heard the student showed up muddy and took their test, so I can salute that (It's what I'd have expected from Shane!).

I went outside on a walk with a sleepy student to play detective. There were marks where the car bottomed out on the way down.

And the undercarriage shield was definitely in the water through a break in the foliage. 

There's a curb at the top of the hill, so the car couldn't have rolled away on it's own. It would've had to have power to go over the curb, so it must have still been in drive with the key in the ignition when the student got out. 

Test day jitters? I couldn't tell you. I never asked the student's name, because I figured it wasn't my business and I couldn't repeat it that way. The kid's a junior, so they may have to hear some bad jokes senior year, but they'll get a fresh start and have a funny story for wherever they go after high school.

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