Friday, August 6, 2021

Exercise Progress

I feel good after working out. I like the results, too.

So why is it always so hard to start? I know that it will pay off, but it's like pulling teeth! I'd say "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak," but I always feel like it want it to be done rather than to do it. This guy puts it well: "Don't let your feelings dictate your actions. Let your actions dictate your feelings."

I wish self-discipline alone would be enough to drive me on, but it's not. Results help, too.

I believe in working out. I know it's good for me and I feel better for it....., but data: Quantitative data. 

I didn't keep notes in April when the newbie gains were quick and evident, but I do now. 

Progressive overload is a core concept of training. Keeping a log keeps me accountable and helps keep me motivated. I wish I took a "before" picture back in April (but the last one of those I took was a couple years ago!).

My workouts have progressed from once or twice a week to about 4 hours split over 4 workouts each week (2 upper and 2 lower body days with rest in between).

I bought protein and more equipment.

I was worried about modular weights in general, but they've been useful so far. At some point, I may need to get a bench and the up to 70 lbs expansion set, but I want to use what I have for longer. 

I've attempted to do some running, as well. 

And yet my weight has gone up.

Usually, I weigh between 155-160 lbs each summer morning (as opposed to 150-155 lbs during the school year). Mornings are typically when people weigh the least.

Now, I'm weighing between 160-164 lbs after waking up (Averaging 162 and change!)

Hopefully, it's muscle!

Thanks to being a wrestler, I've a lifelong habit of tracking my weight. I never cut much and wrestled near my walking weight, so where I wrestled helps chart my growth.

9th grade: Started wrestling around 109 lbs, got the flu, lost 6 lbs, and wrestled 103 lbs afterward!
10th grade: Wrestled at 112 lbs.
11th grade: Wrestled at 119 lbs.
12th grade: Wrestled at 130 lbs.

I didn't worry much about weight after wrestling, but I know a few data points.

Around 22 or 23: I did some weight lifting and hit 160 lbs at one point.

Around 25 or 26: I competed at a BJJ tournament at 148 lbs if I recall correctly. It involved some minor cutting, but only water weight.

I was training BJJ sporadically when I dated Carrie and probably weighed in the lower 150s when we married.

Since then, my weight has remained mostly stable, but that's partly been due to changes in my diet rather than exercise. I used to love sugar in my tea....gone. I used to eat out a lot longer. I pay a lot more attention to what I eat now than I did a decade ago (All part and parcel with getting older).

It's been easier to keep up with an exercise program without school. I wonder how much of this will change once I start!

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